
24 Sep

收到了敬二寄來的e-mail 加上二張老闆幫我們拍的合照  及告知我 他已安全抵達東莞

我們只能靠著mail 維持這剛萌芽的悸動  我從沒有談過所謂的 long distance relationship

但我信仰著 心的距離 比實際距離重要多了  分開後我們只能用信件交流著


" I am poor at English , sorry if I am writtng wrong English

after I return to China , I think of you . I want to meet you soon.

I like ur voice . I want to meet u and to hear ur voice.

When can u meet me ? "


my consecutive holidays of my company are Oct 1 , new year 1/1 ,

Chinese new year, May day. I want to meet u as early as possible.

bt it's difficult for me to  meet during Oct 1~4 ,

Our company is building a new factory now.

I have been working during these holidays.

I am very glad to know u regard the time with me as important .

I believe I can meet you at the next consecutive holidays.

It's difficult to express in English. I am worried if u understand my feeling."


來來回回 他寄了不少的英文信給我  英文不太好的他 在工作之餘 還不忘寫信給我 

讀著他的信 我深深感受到他的心意 同時他也像怕犯錯的小男孩一樣 怕我誤解他

我們都小心呵護著這偶然的相遇 然後相知相惜  期待再見面的一天

直到一封信寫著  " I don't see u for about 2 months n 12 days

I can go Taiwan to travel from Dec 31 to Jan 3 , can I meet u ?

my schedule is as follows  

CX 406 HK 12:25   TPE 14:00





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